
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It's APRIL AT LAST!! So that means...

Yes, that's right, it's the month I long for all year! Here at last! It's NATIONAL POETRY MONTH!!

As is my time-honored habit, I will feature reviews of poetry collections and anthologies from all corners of the World Poetical. Religious poets and children's poesies are, as I know you expect them to me, my very very favorites and will be singled out for devoted attention.
Now, never you fear, fellow poetry lovers: I will also seek high and low for books of poetry in translation as well! How else can an educated, cultured person like we all are expect to understand, to really *grasp* the hearts of people not like us if we don't read their poetry as filtered through a translator's eyes? It's plainly impossible! And ridiculous to try.
I will spend each and every one of April's thirty days elucidating the finer points of the poetical world, digging deep into the arcana of poetry criticism to explicate these sometimes difficult-to-grasp topics. What else can I do, my old and dear friends, except my all and my best to assist you in poetical-reading discovery? Why, it would be unthinkable for me to abandon you to the wilds of the Poetry-MFA Nexus without so much as Ariadne's Clew.

And do it I shall not.

(psst...look at the calendar)

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