THE IDEAL STATE: A Model Based on Analysis of Savagery, Feudalism, Capitalism and Beyond
Ideal Publishing Inc.
$18.00 Kindle edition, available now
Rating: 3* because I fully agree with the politics.
The Publisher Says: Previously published as "The Evil Within Evolution of Social Systems & The Ideal State"
This is a fully revised and expanded edition. Have you not wondered what kind of a country you would want to live in? What policies of its government would guarantee a secure and happy life for you and your children? We need to look at our past history and understand how our previous generations have fared under different social systems. Only then we can decide how a state should be structured and what policies it should adopt to ensure security and well-being of its population. It is important to know what makes a state into an imperial power and drives it to subjugate other states and peoples and exploit them. How could this tendency be avoided?
All civilized states and societies are moving towards more and more socialism and democratic control of their governments, despite temporary setbacks. What do you think lies ahead? States like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and most other European states are referred to as "social democratic states". Their citizens enjoy free education, universal health care and a guaranteed retirement income. China calls its socio-economic system as "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". Despite being a developing country, it has eliminated extreme poverty and offers free high-school education to all its citizens and subsidized higher education and virtually universal health care. Bernie Sanders pleaded for a "democratic socialism" in the United States in his bid for the presidency of the US, a few years ago.
In this work, you would find a comprehensive analysis of the development of socio-economic and political systems from the age of savagery to feudalism and capitalism. You would find why, and how, capitalism leads to extreme exploitation, imperialism and violence, why it needs to be discarded and why a democratic socialist future for mankind is inevitable. The resulting ideal state should ensure equality of social, economic and political rights for all, without any distinction - racial, national, or gender. It should eliminate all kinds of economic exploitation resulting in development of all individuals to their full potential. Numerous illustrations are included and many political thinkers, economists and political leaders have, indirectly, contributed to this work. Quotations from their works are included on specific issues. Imagine what such an ideal state, or states, would mean for you and for the rest of humanity. Find out how humanity is progressing in that direction now and how this process would accelerate in the future. Let us not give up hope. The future of humanity is bright!
My Review: This book is preaching to the choir, in terms of my belief the author is onto something good in his negative assessment of capitalism.
But, for four hundred pages, the prose is a lot like the synopsis above. That is to say, it's not fluid and readable like Yannis Varoufakis and Thomas Piketty (as translated by Arthur Goldhammer, anyway) are. I'm not in good conscience able to recommend the read to laypeople. If you're interested in leftist economics and social policy, come to the altar, but check your expectations at the door.
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